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Ch 1: Jeremy Gives a New Start
So, This might be some fun but I've decided that I am going to make a Fake AH Crew Saga of Sound for mostly myself, but if you would like to listen as well and embark on an audio journey. I'm giving a new face to Fan Fiction and it is auditory. I never find myself immersed enough and always want a little more so here I am making it for myself.
The story behind this starts out with the infamous Rimmy Tim. Turns out your abusive Guardian/parent once lived in Boston and later moved to (state/country you are in now) but has a past with Jeremy Dooley. One late night you hear a knock on the door and hear your (parent/guardian) answer. You don't know who it is but all you hear is a muffled conversation something about an owed favor. It starts to get louder until you hear the strange man say "You are NOT fit to be raising them!!!" and your parent/guardian responding with "I'm perfectly capable of raising a kid!" with that you hear a fight break out. Something glass breaks and a body hits the floor. You hear gentle footsteps up to your room unlike the heavy footfalls of your abuser. A short, stocky looking man in a purple jacket and yellow pants slowly opens the door. He smiles at you and gently says "I'm gonna take you to a better home. Are you okay with that kid?" making himself as nonthreateningly as possible. "What happened? Are they gone? are they gonna hurt me?" you respond. "They aren't gonna hurt you anymore. Now grab a suitcase, some clothes, toothbrush and all that. I'll take ya to Los Santos and you can live with me and my family.
With tht you pack all of your needed belongings and head to a new life.
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License details for "Ch 1: Jeremy Gives a New Start"

Creative Commons Sampling Plus 1.0 License.
- Distant Train Horn by IFartInUrGeneralDirection +)
- Thunder by IllusiaProductions from http://freesound.org +)
- Inside Fast Car by mitchellsounds from Freesound.org +)
- Distant Cars Passing by moogleoftheages from http://freesound.org +)
- crickets by rucisko +)
- light rain on windscreen by soundslikewillem from freesound.org +)
- V8engine by tkmario +)