- 1h
- 10m
- 1m
1. Creaking Door - The script describes a huge creaking door opening.
2.Piano Music - The script describes music playing in the background when Harker is visiting Dracula at his castle and I assumed that it was piano music because that kind of music fits the mood.
3. Swinging Chandelier - The script describes an ancient cobwebbed chandelier hanging above the entrance of Dracula‘s castle that is unlit. I couldn’t find a sound for a swinging chandelier so I used a creak.
4. Pouring wine - The script also describes Dracula pouring Harker wine when he first visits.
5. Cobwebs swishing - The script describes cobwebs on the chandelier. I couldn’t find a sound for swishing cobwebs so instead I used light breeze.
6. Wolf Howl - The script descibes the sounds of wolves howling in the distance.
7. Cutlery/silverware - I assume that wall Harkers eating he is using silverware to eat and cut his food.
8. Cock Crows - The script describes cock crows happening every so often in Dracula‘s castle in which Dracula gets up and leaves when that happens.
Comments for "Cora_E_TechTheater_Dracula"
License details for "Cora_E_TechTheater_Dracula"
Creative Commons Sampling Plus 1.0 License.
- Crow - three times by inchadney +)
- light breeze by keweldog from http://freesound.org +)
- creak by n3xia from http://freesound.org +)
- Creaking Door by Nick Turner, Watercolour Music +)
- Piano by Nick Turner, Watercolour Music +)
- Cutlery by tiptoe84 from http://freesound.org +)
- Pouring Wine by Tobias_Sieben from http://freesound.org +)
- Wolf Howl Distant by Unknown +)