Encounter with The Tailor in the Black Forest MirrorWorld revised version 2
- 1h
- 10m
- 1m
Encounter with The Tailor
Soon, woodsmen began telling stories of trees that wore clothes made of human skin. and the coal burners working in the forest, who had once only feared the howling of wolves, now trembled at the clip — clap of scissors...
Nobody could say who or what exactly the tailor was. the stories about him were just as old as the hungry forest itself, there was only one thing everybody knew for certain; the tailor earned his name by tailoring his clothes from human skin. Snip - snap, clip, clip.
The Tailor did not like the probing finger of light. He uttered an angry grunt and swatted at it as if it were an annoying bug. But Jacob let the light explore further, over the bearded, dirt-caked face, the gruesome clothes, which at first sight simply looked like poorly tanned leather, and on to the gross hands with which the Tailor plied his bloody trade. The fingers on his left hand ended in broad blades, each as long as a dagger.
The blades on the right were just as long and lethal, though these were slender and pointed, like giant sewing needles. Both hands were missing a finger—obviously other victims had tried to defend their skins—though the Tailor did not seem to miss them much. He let his murderous fingernails slice through the air as if he were cutting a pattern from the shadows of the trees, taking measurements for the clothes he would soon fashion from Jacob's skin. Fox bared her teeth and retreated with a bark to Jacob's side. He drew his saver with his left hand and Chanute's knife with his right. There is nothing this blade won't cut.Jacob could only hope that wasn't one of Chanute's boastful lies, which he turned for himself so easily into undoubted truth.
Their opponent moved clumsily, like a bear, while his hands cut a path through bramble and thistles with terrifying zeal. His eyes were as blank as a dead man's, but the bearded face was contorted into a mask of bloodlust, and he bared his yellow teeth as if he wanted to use them to peel off Jacob's skin.
Don't run, Jacob...
*NOTE*: I lost the password to my previous account which had the nickname ''MirrorWorld's famous treasure hunter''. This right here is my new Ambient - Mixer account!
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License details for "Encounter with The Tailor"

Creative Commons Sampling Plus 1.0 License.
- Spooky Wood.mp3 by "priestjd from http://freesound.org +)
- horror-ambience-10 by Example: "klankbeeld" or "NoiseCollector from http://freesound.org" *)
- crow call by Freesound.org +)
- Windy Aspen Trees by https://freesound.org/people/juskiddink/sounds/78955/ +)
- Footsteps, Muddy, E.wav by InspectorJ +)
- Clicking Rapid Short by KellyCondi from http://freesound.org +)
- Wind Through Leafs by SoundSnap *)
- Bird wings by Tigersound +)
*) Soundsnap.com license