- 1h
- 10m
- 1m
Wolf Howling Distant - I used this sound because as it was mentioned on page 60. The wolf howling added that spooky effect for the graveyard. It adds to the nighttime setting. In many movies in this scene you can usually hear a wolf howling.
Howling Wind - The wind sets the spooky vibe. At night, the wind tends to be more aggressive and you can hear it.
Wind blowing in the trees - I got this sound affect because it was mentioned on page 60 of Dracula. But not even that, when I heard it i though it went well with the vibe i was going for plus it suited well with the other sounds.
Crying In Public Bathroom - The name wasn't very fitting but once I heard the crying, it reminded me of when you watch a scary movie and you can hear a soft sound of crying in the back.
Breathing Female - I chose this because as I read Dracula and began to imagine it in my head, I could hear the creepy breathing in one of my ear's. The breathing was also pretty creepy. When you think of a graveyard you want that creepy sensation.
Long Scream - The scream was chosen because it was mentioned in Dracula. I wanted to keep somethings that were in the story because I didn't want to throw off the original purpose, but I did want my own twists to it so that's why I have some extra sounds.
Creepy Whispering - This was added to bring that creepiness. When you think of a graveyard you also think of ghosts. So once you think of that you think of them haunting you, creepy sounds, objects moving, etc.
Footsteps - The footsteps were added for the story. In Dracula they were obviously weren't just standing there when they were at the graveyard. So, with the footsteps it adds them walking but the footsteps were specific to their feet dragging on the floor. It wasn't just normal walking, it once again, adds to the creepy vibe.
Comments for "Lilah_R_TechTheater_Dracula"
License details for "Lilah_R_TechTheater_Dracula"

Creative Commons Sampling Plus 1.0 License.
- Howling Wind by audible-edge +)
- footsteps by http://freesound.org +)
- breathing female by http://www.kodomosize.net/ +)
- Creepy Whispering by RaspberryTickle from https://www.freesound.org/ +)
- Crying in public bathroom by Sunbowl1946 from http://freesound.org +)
- Long Scream by Unknown +)
- Wolf Howl Distant by Unknown +)
- wind blow in the trees by www.soundsnap.com *)
*) Soundsnap.com license