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Melissa_C_TechTheater Practice
1.Beach Waves-There is an ocean at the beach and the ocean forms waves.
2.Seagulls on the beach-Normally a seagulls habitat is around the beach.
3.Calm waves-When the waves reach the shore they have a calmer sound than the normal beach waves that you hear.
4.Seagulls in the distance-At the beach their are seagulls flying high in the sky and some in the sand begging for food.
5.Children Talking-At the beach their are children playing in the sand, water,running,etc.
6.Soft Wind-At the beach you feel a soft wind blow from the waves of the ocean
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License details for "Melissa_C_TechTheater Practice"

This atmosphere sound has been released under the
Creative Commons Sampling Plus 1.0 License.
Creative Commons Sampling Plus 1.0 License.
List of audio files used:
- Seagulls by dobroide from +)
- Beach Waves by eu mesma +)
- Soft Wind by George Vlad of Alchemy Audio Design +)
- Children Talking.mp3 by jlseagull +)
- Calmwaves sandbeach by klankbeeld from +)
- bird flapping by Soundfxforfree from Youtube +)
+) Creative Commons Sampling Plus 1.0 License