- 1h
- 10m
- 1m
It takes an action for a Vistana to utter a curse, and the curse’s target must be within 30 feet and visible to them at the time. A Vistana can only utter one curse per long rest. The target must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw (DC 8 + the Vistana’s proficiency bonus + the Vistana’s Charisma modifier) to avoid the curse, which can only be removed by a remove curse or greater restoration spell or similar such magic. Within Barovia, the DC to avoid a Vistana’s curse is slightly higher (10 + the Vistana’s proficiency bonus + the Vistana’s Charisma modifier). If the Vistana making the curse possesses a personal item belonging to the target, the DC has a +1 bonus. This bonus is +2 if the item was a physical part of the target (i.e., a vial of blood, a tooth, a toe, etc.).
One interesting aspect of Vistani curses is that when they are broken, the Vistana who made the curse suffers a psychic backlash. The amount of damage taken depends on the severity of the curse. The example curses below include the backlash damage. If the Vistana withdraws their curse voluntarily, they take half damage from the psychic backlash.
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License details for "Vistani"

Creative Commons Sampling Plus 1.0 License.
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